Veterinary Palliative & Hospice Care
What To Know About Veterinary Palliative Care
By helping to relieve the many symptoms associated with various pain-related problems and other medical conditions, palliative care assists your pets in maintaining their daily lives and routines.
We assist in managing your pet’s medical condition(s) by providing a range of medical treatments and follow up diagnostics as needed.
It encompasses an approach of ensuring your beloved pet’s physical, physiological and mental well being are maintained during any illness or disease.
With many diseases and illnesses needing the attention of a Veterinary Specialist, we will refer when needed and maintain a continued relationship with you, as well as the Veterinary Specialist, to provide continued care for your pet.
Palliative care is specialized medical care for pets with serious and chronic diseases which optimizes quality of life by anticipating, preventing, and managing suffering. It can be provided for as long as needed, from a few months to several years. Our goal with palliative care is to optimize the quality of life for your pet with a focus on providing them with relief from the pain, stress and symptoms of serious illnesses.
Every pet is unique and dogs & cats have different diseases that respond to a variety of treatment options. One of the major advantages of in home palliative care is that treatments can be tailored to meet the individual needs of each pet. This allows us to provide each pet with the best quality of life.
What To Know About Veterinary Hospice Care

There may come a time in your pet’s illness that maintaining comfort and the strong human- animal bond becomes essential, which is where hospice care comes in. Veterinary hospice care is modeled after human hospice care, in that the main focus is providing comfort to your pet and maintaining quality of life during a terminal illness.
Palliative care treatments may still be administered during this time to keep your pet comfortable, while ensuring your pet’s happiness for as long as possible.
Whatever the case may be, we can assist in ensuring the comfort of your pet- there is always something we can do to help ease the process of death.
We can help you monitor your pet’s pain and end-stage disease process while providing you with information about your pet’s specific medical conditions and end of life care.
Providing hospice care at home through our mobile veterinary services allows your beloved pet a comfortable and familiar place during this delicate stage of their life.